PROPELLER Soothing clay mask with Biolin P 25g

PROPELLER Immuno Soothing clay mask with Biolin P 25g

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A natural clay mask specially formulated to purify and improve the condition of problematic acne-prone skin. Eco-friendly ingredients are fortified with a powerful plant-derived prebiotic:
BIOLIN P, which strengthens the protective properties of the skin and enhances its resistance to harmful microorganisms. Reduces redness and inflammation.
And kaolin in the composition deeply cleanses, has a powerful drying effect, helps to remove toxins and toxins, reducing swelling.
Ideal for cleansing and strengthening the protective properties of the skin.
Zeolite is a natural, crystallized mineral of volcanic rock. Environmentally friendly sorbent, superior in its qualities to activated carbon, due to enhanced adsorption and ion exchange.
Kaolin is a white clay composed of the mineral kaolinite. It is formed during the destruction (weathering) of granites, gneisses and other rocks.
BIOLIN P is a natural plant-based prebiotic that restores the natural ecosystem of healthy skin.
INCI: Zeolite, Kaolin, Illite, Montmorillonite (Emerald Clay), Inulin, Alpha Glucan Oligosaccharide.
Skin Type
Oily skin
Problem Skin
Purposes of Application
Acne treatment
Reduction of pores
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