Mi&ko Babassu oil refined COSMOS ORGANIC 60ml

Mi&ko Babassu oil refined COSMOS ORGANIC 60ml / 2.02oz

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Suitable for all skin types: sensitive, dehydrated, rough and flaky.
Babassu oil is somewhat similar to coconut oil, richer in unsaturated acids (oleic and linoleic) but poorer in short chain acids (caprylic and capra). Used as one of the best moisturizers. Softens and soothes the skin after sun exposure. Prevents the formation of wrinkles. It absorbs well without leaving a greasy sheen.
Used to care for dry and brittle hair.
INCI: babassu oil
Country of origin: Italy
Only as an additive - 10-50%. It is not recommended to use in its pure form and as a base.
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