Mi&ko Organic unrefined broccoli oil COSMOS ORGANIC 15ml

Mi&ko Organic unrefined broccoli oil COSMOS ORGANIC 15ml / 0.50oz

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Broccoli seed oil is a valuable natural source of shine and silky softness to hair. Its protective action, comparable to silicone-based restoratives, makes hair soft and silky to the touch, gives it shine and radiance, without weighing it down or injuring it at all. Thanks to its smoothing effect, broccoli seed oil is ideal for taming unruly curls and frizz. Broccoli vegetable oil facilitates combing and styling hair. Due to its high vitamin content, it is also an excellent source of nutrition for hair and skin. Suitable for all skin types.
INCI: broccoli oil
Country of origin: Germany
Use in a mixture with other oils - 5-10%. Do not take internally!
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