Mi&ko Liquid soap Jasmine noir 230ml

Mi&ko Liquid soap Jasmine noir 230ml / 7.77oz

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Release the tension and let your sensuality unfold! Delicate soap foam will envelop you with the aromas of the most feminine plants in the world - jasmine and ylang-ylang. So much washing fun - and so much natural skin care!
• A complex of acids renews and moisturizes the skin.
• Wheat proteins promote regeneration and strengthening.
• Ylang-ylang essential oil normalizes oily skin and harmonizes its condition.
• Jasmine extract refreshes and rejuvenates. Gentle cleansing and inspiring exotic fragrance
Ingredients: artesian water, decyl glucoside, cocoglucoside, kaolin, xanthan gum, lactic acid, propanediol, citric acid, tartaric acid, gluconic acid, caprylyl/capryl wheat bran glycosides, betaine, lauryl alcohol, sweet orange essential oil, ylang-ylang essential oil ylang, hydrolyzed corn/wheat and soy protein, jasmine extract
Apply soap to wet hands, lather and rinse thoroughly with water. Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components
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