Mi&ko Bath Gel Pure Water Frosty Eucalyptus 500ml

Mi&ko Bath Gel Pure Water Frosty Eucalyptus 500ml / 16.90oz

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Economical and eco-friendly bath gel Frosty Eucalyptus Pure Water - effectively copes with even the toughest dirt in the bath and bathroom, making it crystal clear and making cleaning a quick and easy process with little effort. And eucalyptus essential oil will give the aroma of frosty freshness and perfect cleanliness, while increasing cleaning efficiency.
100% natural ingredients!
without chlorine
Without alkali
Leaves no streaks
Easily removes limescale and soap deposits
Why Pure Water Bath Gel?
Suitable: for ceramic tiles, tiles, faucets, plastic, wood, enamel and chrome surfaces
Removes: Dirt, streaks, drip marks, soap scum
Fights: odor
Has: antimicrobial and disinfectant effect
Free of: Harsh chemicals, refined petroleum products, chlorine, chemical fragrances, dyes, SLS, EDTA, NTA
Safe: for nature and man
Eco-friendly: completely biodegradable
How to use: Apply a small amount of product to the contaminated surface, wipe with a sponge and / or leave for a few minutes if necessary. Then rinse with water.
Precautions: use gloves, keep out of reach of children, do not mix with other products, use as directed. Do not inhale, in case of hypersensitivity use respiratory protection, avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes. In case of contact with eyes and mucous membranes, rinse with water, seek medical advice, showing the label.
Ingredients: artesian water, citric acid, non-ionic surfactants <5%, sodium citrate, xanthan gum, eucalyptus essential oil, lemon essential oil, natural dye.
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