Mi&ko Floor Gel Pure Water 1000ml

Mi&ko Floor Gel Pure Water 1000ml / 33.81oz

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ECONOMIC and ECO-FRIENDLY, fragrance-free floor gel will make your floor shine with cleanliness and freshness. The effective formula will help to cope with various pollution - from dust to stains. The composition does not contain any essential oils and fragrances, which allows even people with hypersensitivity to use the product.
99.4% natural ingredients
EASILY REMOVES dirt from parquet, laminate, linoleum and carpets
Why PURE WATER floor gel?
SUITABLE for washing laminate, parquet, linoleum, tiles, stone, glass, plastic, wood, as well as washing wallpapers, carpets with natural and synthetic pile
REMOVES dirt and soap stains
FIGHTS bad odor
PROVIDES antimicrobial and disinfectant action
DOES NOT CONTAIN harsh chemicals, refined petroleum products, chlorine, chemical fragrances, dyes, SLS, EDTA, NTA
SAFE for nature and humans
ECO-FRIENDLY fully biodegradable
Ingredients: artesian water, non-ionic surfactants <5%, benzyl alcohol, ethylhexylglycerin, xanthan gum
Dilute half or a full cap of gel in 2-5 liters of water. Wash the floor using a rag or mop.
Precautions: use gloves, do not inhale, keep out of reach of children, do not mix with other products, use as directed. In case of hypersensitivity, use respiratory protection, avoid contact with mucous membranes and eyes. In case of contact with eyes or mucous membranes, rinse with water and seek medical advice, showing the label.
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