Mi&ko Dishwashing liquid hypoallergenic 450ml

Mi&ko Dishwashing liquid hypoallergenic 450ml / 15.21oz

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Hypoallergenic Pure Water dishwashing detergent will not only remove grease and food residue from dishes, it will also remove dirt from vegetables and fruits. At the same time, the composition is absolutely safe even for the smallest family members. Moreover, the detergent formula effectively fights pollution. At the same time, it is COMPLETELY washed off from the surface after the first rinse. The absence of hot water will not affect the effectiveness, economical consumption and care of the product for the skin of the hands.
Removes grease well
Does not dry the skin of the hands and does not cause irritation.
Consists of natural ingredients, easily and completely washed off with water
Creates soft, gentle lather
Suitable for washing dishes, fruits, vegetables and toys.
Safe for the environment
Completely biodegradable
Does not contain anionic surfactants
INCI: water >30% artesian water, 5-15% non-ionic surfactants (coco-glucoside, decyl-glucoside), <5% vegetable glycerin, citric acid, sodium benzoate, xanthan gum
Apply a small amount to a sponge, lather, wash dishes and rinse with water, or dissolve a few drops of the product in hot water and wash dishes in the solution, rinse with clean water.
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