Mi&ko Candle Cinnamon 120ml

Mi&ko Candle Cinnamon 120ml / 4.05oz

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The aroma of cinnamon will create a unique atmosphere, give relaxation and peace.
Eliminate depression and emotional coldness. This oil warms, helps to believe in yourself and find harmony. The spicy aroma will appeal to all family members. It relaxes, creates a warm and cozy atmosphere, fills with peace and awakens inspiration!
The aroma that reigns in your home always creates the right atmosphere and sets the mood. Therefore, it is extremely important that it be pleasant for you, evoke pleasant emotions and create an atmosphere of home warmth and comfort.
MiKo scented candles contain essential oils that have an aromatherapeutic effect, so the aroma of the candle not only pleases with a pleasant trail, but also has undeniable health benefits.
Candles evoke a feeling of warmth, calmness and peace in a person. If you look at the fire of a candle for a long time, thoughts stop, and it is possible to enter a state of meditation.
MiKo candles use soy wax because soy candles are safe and environmentally friendly.
Soy wax is made from organic and biodegradable ingredients that do not emit harmful substances when burned. Soy wax is odorless, mixes easily with aromatic oil and fully conveys all the subtleties of the aroma.
Sweet orange essential oil tones, uplifts and stimulates the immune system. It warms, improves the emotional state, relieves fatigue, relieves anxiety and sadness.
Cinnamon essential oil creates a cozy atmosphere in the house, sets up a peaceful mood.
Anise essential oil causes a positive attitude, allows you to create a cozy and friendly atmosphere, stimulates active thinking.
Nutmeg essential oil helps to recover, pull yourself together, calms, relieves nervous tremors and tantrums, strengthens willpower.
Clove essential oil restores internal strength and energy, stimulates memory, relieves tension and nervousness.
Ingredients: Soy wax, essential oils of sweet orange, cinnamon, anise, nutmeg, cloves.
Application: Place the candle on a flat, stable surface. Light the wick and enjoy the aroma of essential oils.
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components.
Precautionary measures:
Do not leave a lit candle unattended.
Keep the candle out of the reach of small children.
Do not cover a burning candle with a lid or other objects.
Store in a safe place out of the reach of children.
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