Mi&ko Candle Citronella mosquito 120ml

Mi&ko Candle Citronella mosquito 120ml / 4.05oz

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Candle Citronella has an antiseptic and tonic effect on the body. Promotes a surge of strength and vitality. Relieves depression, apathy and indifference.
MiKo scented candles contain essential oils that have an aromatherapeutic effect, so the aroma of the candle not only pleases with a pleasant trail, but also has undeniable health benefits.
MiKo candles use soy wax because soy candles are safe and environmentally friendly.
Soy wax is made from organic and biodegradable ingredients that do not emit harmful substances when burned. Soy wax is odorless, mixes easily with aromatic oil and fully conveys all the subtleties of the aroma.
Citronella oil is an effective repellent that repels blood-sucking insects, moths and parasites. Pest repellent, helps to get rid of nasty insects in the house, in clothes and on the skin.
Ingredients: Soy wax, citronella essential oil.
Application: Place the candle on a flat, stable surface. Light the wick and enjoy the aroma of essential oils.
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components.
Precautionary measures:
Do not leave a lit candle unattended.
Keep the candle out of the reach of small children.
Do not cover a burning candle with a lid or other objects.
Store in a safe place out of the reach of children.
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