Mi&ko Chic hand cream for dry and sensitive skin COSMOS ORGANIC 30ml

Mi&ko Chic hand cream for dry and sensitive skin COSMOS ORGANIC 30ml / 1.01oz

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The purest water, rosehip oil, honeysuckle extract, wheat proteins, a bit of magic... The hand cream "Chic" is created from selected, exclusively natural ingredients, able to soothe and restore irritated and weathered skin. It relieves redness and inflammation, heals cracks, leaving the lightest, subtle, unobtrusive aroma on moisturized and soft skin. The cream does not contain essential oils, and therefore is suitable even for allergy sufferers and owners of hypersensitive skin.
Rosehip seed oil is extremely beneficial for dry, sensitive, irritated and problematic skin. Quickly restores the skin and heals defects, slows down the aging process.
Wheat germ oil slows down the aging process, creates an antioxidant barrier and restores skin elasticity. "Revitalizes" mature skin, tightens and restores tired and flabby.
Ingredients: artesian water, neem wax, sweet almond oil, rosehip seed oil, vegetable glycerin, wheat protein, lactic acid, honeysuckle extract, jojoba oil, cetyl alcohol, wheat germ oil, extracts of sage, maclaya.
Apply a small amount of cream with light massage movements on the skin of the hands.
Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components
Skin Type
Dry skin
Sensitive skin
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