Mi&ko soap Honey scrub 75g

Mi&ko soap Honey scrub 75g

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Oatmeal with honey, rich in vitamins and minerals, is a real potion of beauty and health! This simple and miraculous remedy inspired MiKo to create Honey Scrub soap. Brewed from valuable natural oils, it gently cleanses the skin without overdrying it. A delicate oatmeal scrub gently removes dead skin cells, while preventing irritation and inflammation. Oatmeal is the perfect exfoliator for delicate, sensitive skin! The cheerful citrus aroma is uplifting - as is radiant, velvety skin that doesn't require moisturizing cream for a long time.
Main active ingredients
Oat flakes gently and gently exfoliate the skin, exfoliating dead cells. At the same time, they saturate the cells with moisture, nutrients and perfectly moisturize.
Apricot oil has a super ability to regenerate the skin, which is especially important after a light scrub. Saturates with antioxidants (vitamins E and C), nourishes and softens the skin of any type.
Honey is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and growth factors. Glucose and B vitamins help restore and moisturize the skin, prevent inflammation, vitamin K strengthens capillaries, and vitamin E prevents premature aging. Provides a sweet, warm fragrance.
Sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, coconut, castor and sunflower oils form a mild detergent soap base. Thanks to the optimal combination of oils, impurities are removed gently and delicately, without damaging the protective lipid mantle of the skin, dryness or tightness.
Sweet orange and lemongrass essential oils are known for their ability to stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow. Slightly brighten the skin, tighten pores, refresh and restore the skin. They give a bright and positive aroma.
Sage extract is a natural, 100% safe preservative.
Ingredients: sodium salts of fatty acids of palm, castor, coconut, sunflower oils, artesian water, apricot oil, oatmeal, honey, sage extract, sweet orange and lemongrass essential oils.
Application: Moisten the soap under running water, lather, rinse thoroughly with water. Do not use in case of intolerance to components.
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