Mi&ko Argan oil environmentally friendly unrefined COSMOS ORGANIC 30ml

Mi&ko Argan oil environmentally friendly unrefined COSMOS ORGANIC 30ml / 1.01oz

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Effective for dry skin types. Nourishes, moisturizes, prevents dehydration, eliminates skin tightness, contains unsaturated fatty acids Omega-6, Omega-9.
Argan oil is rich in natural antioxidants, vitamins A and E, as well as substances such as antibiotics and fungicides. Argan oil contains rare sterols not found in any other oil, which have soothing and anti-inflammatory properties. Argan oil counteracts the aging process of the skin and promotes its renewal. It makes the skin supple and silky. Massage with argan oil helps with arthritis, rheumatism and muscle pain.
INCI: argan oil
Country of Origin: Denmark/Spain
Apply to clean, dry skin with massage movements. After 3 minutes, remove the remaining oil with a napkin. Can be used for massage. Do not use in case of individual intolerance.
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