Mi&ko Green coffee oil unrefined 5ml

Mi&ko Green coffee oil unrefined 5ml / 0.16oz

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Gently cold-pressed green coffee bean oil has a special composition of fatty acids, such as about 40% linoleic acid (omega 6).
Even more interesting properties of green coffee oil is its ability to reduce damage to the skin from ultraviolet radiation, especially from UVB rays that cause erythema.
The oil has an effective healing effect on the skin: it activates metabolic processes, in particular fat and water metabolism, softens and protects the epidermal layer.
Increases elasticity, moisturizes and smoothes the skin.
Prevents skin aging. It is a powerful antioxidant.
Has anti-cellulite action.
INCI: Green Coffee Oil, unrefined.
Country of Origin: Chile
Apply around the eyes and all over the body. Use neat or mixed with other oils
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