Mi&ko Sesame oil unrefined 50ml

Mi&ko Sesame oil unrefined 50ml / 1.69oz

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Sesame oil is a natural moisturizer for all skin types, especially for dry, flabby, aging skin. In its pure form, it is used for eczema and psoriasis. Restores, moisturizes, nourishes and smoothes the skin, eliminates peeling and irritation. Recommended for the care of the skin around the eyes and delicate baby skin.
Sesame oil is an effective sun protection product. It treats oily and sore scalp, hair dyed or chemically treated. Gives hair shine and softness, protects them from drying. Thanks to vitamin E, sesame oil will give hair strength and volume.
INCI: sesame oil (Mexico)
As an additive - 10-15%. Can be used neat and mixed with other oils.
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