Mi&ko Macadamia oil unrefined 50ml

Mi&ko Macadamia oil unrefined 50ml / 1.69oz

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The oil is instantly absorbed. Eliminates irritation, peeling. Restores the softness and tenderness of the skin. Eliminates the phenomena of photodermatitis. Powerful antioxidant, rejuvenating agent. In 1000 years of use, not a single case of intolerance or negative effect from the use of this oil has been recorded. Macadamia oil is ideal for dry, rough skin, it perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin, making it healthy and beautiful. In the skin, the oil acts as an antioxidant that prevents the destruction of cell membranes.
INCI: macadamia oil
Country of origin: Australia
As an additive - 10%. It is not recommended to use in its pure form.
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