Mi&ko Poppy seed oil refined 50ml

Mi&ko Poppy seed oil refined 50ml / 1.69oz

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Restores the softness and elasticity of the skin, gives it a special tenderness and silkiness. Having a stimulating effect, effectively restores skin tone, revitalizes tired and flabby skin, improves its elasticity. It is a strong antioxidant and anti-aging agent, smoothes wrinkles, prevents early aging and skin aging. Soothes irritated skin, has an anti-inflammatory effect. Favorably affects dry, dehydrated skin, eliminates tightness, peeling, restores freshness and radiance to it. Quickly and easily distributed over the surface of the skin, well absorbed, acts as a natural protective barrier. Poppy seed oil has a beneficial effect on any skin, returns moisture to it, gives it a special softness and smoothness.
INCI: Poppy seed oil.
Country of origin: EU
Pure or blended with other oils
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