Mi&ko Tamanu oil unrefined COSMOS ORGANIC 15ml

Mi&ko Tamanu oil unrefined COSMOS ORGANIC 15ml / 0.50oz

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Despite its viscosity, it is well absorbed into the skin, increasing blood circulation, and does not leave greasy marks. Restores the texture of damaged skin. Reduces skin irritation and soothes it. The oil is used for serious chronic inflammatory skin diseases - acne, eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, surgical sutures, burns, ulcers, abscesses, inflammations, rashes and lichen. Heals wounds, burns, scars, stitches, rashes, herpes, irritations, inflammations, pain and insect bites.
INCI: Unrefined Tamanu Oil.
Country of Origin: Southeast Asia
In its pure form on damaged areas of the skin or mixed with other oils 5-20%. Do not apply inside!
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