MIXIT Mermaid Shimmer Scrub 250ml

MIXIT Mermaid Shimmer Scrub 250ml / 8.45oz

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A lustrous, exfoliating, fragrant skin-transforming scrub.
How does it work:
snow algae extract improves the barrier properties of the skin, stimulates the production of collagen, activates longevity factors in cells;
coralline extract saturates with microelements, normalizes blood circulation, improves the density and structure of the epidermis, promotes energy processes for the utilization of subcutaneous fat;
sweet almond oil softens, nourishes, maintains the necessary level of skin hydration, saturates with vitamins and microelements, reduces peeling and accelerates regeneration;
butcher's broom and gotu kola extracts tone up, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, fight varicose veins, eliminate puffiness;
a complex of sea salt, cane sugar and coconut flakes, along with caffeine, have an intense exfoliating effect, even out the color and smooth the surface of the skin, reduce stretch marks, and actively fight cellulite;
reflective particles remain on the skin with an iridescent sheen, instantly uplifting.
intensive cleansing and exfoliation of the skin;
enhanced fight against cellulite, varicose veins and stretch marks;
quick alignment of the color and surface of the skin;
active launch of the process of utilization of subcutaneous fat;
saturation of the skin with vitamins and microelements;
transformation of the skin with iridescent particles.
Ingredients: sea salt, cane sugar, cream powder, coconut flakes, sweet almond vegetable oil, plant extracts of gotu kola, butcher's broom, snow algae, coralline, undaria pinnate, caffeine, perfume composition, phenoxyethanol, benzyl alcohol, mother of pearl, glitter, CI 77891, CI 77491, CI 77861
Apply the scrub to damp body skin with intense, massaging movements. Rinse with water afterwards or wipe off with a tissue. You can use the scrub up to 4 times a week.
Purposes of Application
Anti-cellulite & Weight loss
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