KLEONA Night Cream Oatmeal 50ml

KLEONA Oatmeal Night Cream 50ml / 1.69oz

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Nourishing cream for daily care of dry and normal skin. Oil extracts of hawthorn, rowan and Altai sea buckthorn oil nourish the skin, normalize metabolism, accelerate the regeneration of skin cells, and slow down its aging. Corn germ oil saturates the skin with essential Omega-6 and Omega-9 acids. Oat protein, rich in oligosaccharides, restores the skin's original softness.
The cream makes the skin soft and elastic, improves color, smoothes out fine wrinkles.
Ingredients: water, rice bran oil, corn germ oil, coconut oil, sucrose stearate, polyglyceryl-3-methyl-glucose distearate, hawthorn fruit extract, rowan fruit extract, Altai sea buckthorn oil, calendula oil, Shea butter, oat proteins, cetearyl alcohol , allantoin, tocopherol acetate (Vitamin E), lavender essential oil (Lavandula officinalis Chaix.), Phenochem
Directions for use: Apply the cream with light massaging movements to clean skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Do not use before going out into the sun.
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