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Horse Force Lightening face cream Burenka with lactic acid, arbutin and parsley 100ml / 3.38oz

Horse Force Lightening face cream Burenka with lactic acid, arbutin and parsley 100ml / 3.38oz

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A gentle exfoliating night cream that evens out skin tone and restores radiance and freshness.

The active composition of the cream normalizes the production of melanin in the upper layers of the dermis, so that with daily use, pigment spots are noticeably reduced, and the skin looks more even and smooth.

Parsley extract and lactic acid have an exfoliating, brightening and even out skin tone effect.

Arbutin is a natural component that whitens freckles and age spots

β-Sitosterol stimulates collagen production and reduces the effects of UV radiation

Glycolic and hyaluronic acids deeply moisturize the skin and give it a healthy glow

Soybean and sweet almond oils nourish and restore the skin's protective barrier

Vitamin E prevents premature aging

Purposes of Application
Lightening & Anti-pigmentation
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