Microliz Face Gel-cream SMOOZY night 30+ (vegan) 50ml

Microliz Face Gel-cream SMOOZY night 30+ (vegan) 50ml / 1.69oz

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Ingredients: kelp, kalanchoe juice, almond oil, soya lecithin, hyaluronic acid, raspberry puree, oils: cold pressed pine nuts, avocados, wheat germ, grape seed, shea, coconut, nettle and string extract, konjak silver gum.
Is yours!
The VEGAN series of our cosmetics is also perfect for those who have an allergic reaction to honey and bee products, as well as dairy products.
It helps to restore the freshness and elasticity of the skin, improve complexion, smooth premature wrinkles and generally smooth the skin texture, has a calming effect on sensitive skin, relieves irritation and inflammation, tones, refreshes and improves combination skin.
Cedar oil helps to nourish the skin, and restore its natural moisture balance, especially for thinned, dry, and dehydrated skin.
Raspberry puree helps get rid of age spots, freckles, inflammations; reduce oily and dry skin, smooth out small wrinkles.
Method of application: apply to the skin of the face with massaging movements.
Individual intolerance to individual components is possible.
Made specifically for vegetarians and raw foodists!
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