Natura Siberica Oblepikha Body Milk 50ml

Natura Siberica Oblepikha Body Milk 50ml / 1.69oz

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Melting texture of milk for the body instantly gives the skin elasticity, softness and tenderness. Included in the composition of milk are vitamins A and E, organic Oil of Altai sea-buckthorn, an Extract of Siberian mountain berries, macadamia Oils and Moroccan arganas intensively nourish and deeply moisturize the skin. Medinitsa taiga and arctic raspberries restore the skin and protect it from the adverse effects of the environment, helping to find true Siberian health.
Apply milk to clean, dry skin with light, massaging movements.
Vitamin A, vitamin E, organic Oil of Altaic sea-buckthorn, Extract of Siberian mountain ash, macadamia Oil and Moroccan argan.
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