Green Altai Toothpaste with colloidal silver 75g

Green Altai Toothpaste with colloidal silver 75g

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Toothpaste - White, glossy, thick consistency, holds the roller well on the brush.
Toothpaste "Green Altai" with colloidal silver contains an increased amount of cleansing components that perfectly cope with the removal of plaque; protects against caries, has remineralizing properties. Strengthens the gums, reduces bleeding. Deodorizes and refreshes the oral cavity.
Result: From the first application, it improves the condition of the gums, reduces bleeding, and cleans tooth enamel.
Special Features: No Fragrances, No Colorants, No Sulfates, No Parabens, Non-comedogenic
Does not contain fluoride!
Apply a small amount of paste to the toothbrush, brush your teeth with massaging movements for 2 minutes. Rinse your mouth. Recommended for daily use.
water, sorbitol, silicon dioxide, carboxymethyl cellulose, xanthan gum, sodium cocoyl isotheonate, PEG-400, xylitol, menthyl lactate, sodium bicarbonate, aluminum lactate, menthol, propolis extract, sage extract, colloidal silver, allantoin, sodium benzoate, sodium dioxide dioxid.
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