Green Altai Mouthwash with colloidal silver 250ml

Green Altai Mouthwash with colloidal silver 250ml / 8.45oz

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Colloidal Silver Mouthwash is a clear green liquid with a mint flavor.
Colloidal Silver Mouthwash cleans the mouth, protects against caries, reduces plaque build-up, protects against bacteria build-up, freshens breath, and reduces gum bleeding with regular use.
Result: From the first application, it improves the condition of the gums, reduces bleeding, refreshes and deodorizes the oral cavity.
Special Features: No fragrance, no sulfates, no parabens, non-comedogenic
Fill cap, rinse mouth for 1 minute. After use, spit it out. Do not swallow or drink the contents of the bottle. When using, do not rinse your mouth with water. Use 2 times a day after brushing your teeth.
Ingredients: water, sorbitol, sodium cocoylethionate, chlorophyll extract from pine and cedar needles, St. John's wort extract, sage, sodium saccharinate, allantoin, sodium salicylate, eucalyptus essential oil, aloe vera extract, hydrogenated castor oil PEG-40, colloidal aroma food "mint", menthyl lactate, sodium benzoate, food coloring B133.
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