Green Altai Mouthwash Altai cedar 250ml

Green Altai Mouthwash Altai cedar 250ml / 8.45oz

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Mouthwash - Clear green liquid with a piney taste.
Mouthwash "Altai Cedar" cleans the oral cavity, provides protection from caries, reduces the formation of plaque, protects against the formation of bacteria, freshens breath, reduces bleeding gums with regular use.
Result: From the first application, it improves the condition of the gums, reduces bleeding, refreshes and deodorizes the oral cavity.
Special Features: No fragrance, no sulfates, no parabens, non-comedogenic
Fill cap, rinse mouth for 1 minute. After use, spit it out. Do not swallow or drink the contents of the bottle. When using, do not rinse your mouth with water. Use 2 times a day after brushing your teeth.
Ingredients: water, sorbitol, sodium cocoylethionate, phytodistillate of spruce needles, chlorophyll extract from pine and cedar needles, extract of St. John's wort, sage, sodium saccharinate, allantoin, aloe vera extract, sodium salicylate, hydrogenated castor oil flavoring agent PEG-40, cedar mint ", menthyl lactate, sodium benzoate, food coloring B11.
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