Green Voice HITOTAL BIOTIC WITH CHERRY Prebiotic for the oral cavity with chitosan 50g / 0.11lb

Green Voice HITOTAL BIOTIC WITH CHERRY Prebiotic for the oral cavity with chitosan 50g / 0.11lb

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Prebiotic for the oral cavity based on a complex of chitosan oligosaccharides and natural cherry juice.

• Supports healthy oral microflora
• Suppresses the growth of pathogenic microflora, effective against enterococci and Candida fungus
• Blocks the growth of carious bacteria
• Helps strengthen tooth enamel
• Heals damage to the mucous membrane
• Freshens breath, Effective sorbent of oral odors
• Stimulates the production of the enzyme lysozyme

Indicated for any inflammatory processes in the oral cavity: periodontitis, stomatitis, gingivitis.

1 lozenge reduces the number of pathogenic bacteria by 30% and replaces one tooth brushing.

Ingredients: Chitosan oligosaccharide complex, corn fiber, erythritol sweetener, chicory root inulin, natural dry cherry juice, natural food flavoring “mint”.

• Chitosan complex of oligosaccharides are chitosan oligosaccharides of various sizes and properties, providing prebiotic, bacteriostatic regenerative effects in the oral cavity
• Corn fiber is a highly food-tolerant fiber that does not contain gluten.
• Natural dry cherry juice contains all the nutritional components of cherries, the vitamin and mineral composition of natural cherry juice.
• Inulin from chicory root is a natural prebiotic, improves carbohydrate-lipid metabolism, normalizes blood sugar levels.
• Erythritol is melon sugar, a non-calorie safe sweetener. Has a zero glycemic and insulin index.

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