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VIVAX Dent Anti-inflammatory gel with active peptide complex 4ml / 0.13oz

VIVAX Dent Anti-inflammatory gel with active peptide complex 4ml / 0.13oz

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1. Acute and chronic inflammatory periodontal diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis).
2. In inflammatory diseases of the oral mucosa (stomatitis, glossitis, cheilitis).
3. As a drug for physiotherapy in the treatment and prevention of diseases of the oral mucosa and periodontal tissues.

Accelerates healing / regeneration (restoration) of the tissues of the oral mucosa and periodontium.
Reduces bleeding, normalizes blood circulation, restores vascular trophism.
Fast anti-inflammatory action with a long-term effect.
Helps relieve swelling.
Increases local immunity.

Ingredients: Purified water, glycerin, bioantioxidant complex "Neovitin"®, methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylene glycol, acrylate/C10-30 and alkyl acrylate copolymer, polyoxyethylene sorbitan monooleate, sodium hydroxide, trilon B, peptide complexes AK-1, AK-7, AK-12

AK - 1 Thymus peptides - Promotes tissue regeneration, accelerates wound healing. Has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, immunostimulating and anti-stress effects.
AK - 7 Vascular tissue peptides - Strengthens the walls of venous and arterial vessels. Normalizes metabolism in the cells of the vascular wall, improving blood microcirculation and restores blood supply to the tissues. AK - 12 Peptides of cartilage and bone tissue - Regulates metabolic processes and enhances protein synthesis in the cells of periodontal tissues, cartilage and ligaments. Has high antioxidant activity, normalizes lipid peroxidation processes in the cells of various tissues, including periodontal. Enhances periodontal tissue regeneration, accelerating the elimination of the inflammatory process in the oral cavity. Strengthens the bone-articular and ligamentous apparatus, increases the elasticity of ligaments, reducing trauma.

Gel application at home
Option 1 Apply the gel to a sterile swab and apply it to the damaged area for 20 minutes, then remove the swab. Do not eat / drink for 1 hour.
Option 2 For prevention, you can add 1 ml of gel to toothpaste directly on the toothbrush. Rinse with a small amount of water.

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