Splat Special Toothpaste ARMYDENT 75ml

Splat Special Toothpaste ARMYDENT 75ml / 2.53oz

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Effective whitening and powerful anti-caries protection. The strongly refreshing Armydent toothpaste was developed especially for use in extreme conditions: on the field, on a hiking trip, on an expedition, out hunting or fishing. Silver fights pathogenic bacteria in the oral cavity. Cedar essential oil helps to prevent inflammation of the gums and bad breath. Polydon® efficiently removes plaque from tobacco, tea and coffee. Olaflur aminefluoride protects the enamel from acid attack after meals. Oils of Mediterranean savory and leaves of Madagascar saro tree maintain local immunity and improve mental concentration. The complex of powerful active ingredients provides efficient cleaning while spending less time. The super fresh toothpaste kills harmful bacteria in the oral cavity, maintains the local immunity and health of the gums, removes plaque and freshens breath for a long time
SLS, triclosan, chlorhexidine, saccharinate, peroxides-free. Contains fluorine (1300 ppm)
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