Splat Special Toothpaste BLACKWOOD 75ml

Splat Special Toothpaste BLACKWOOD 75ml / 2.53oz

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Powerful whitening and normalization of the oral cavity’s PH balance. This highly effective black toothpaste was designed especially for those who need maximum freshness of breath, natural white healthy teeth and an antibacterial effect. The extract of juniper berries and a complex of active ingredients protect against bacteria and plaque. The highly efficient Biosol antiseptic prevents bacterial growth and maintains gum tone. Karelian birch charcoal whitens, takes up odor and absorbs impurities. Moreover, this component gives the unique and shiny toothpaste its black color. The toothpaste effectively and safely whitens teeth, inhibits bacterial growth and keeps your breath fresh. It effectively protects against dental calculus and normalizes the pH in saliva. With a tart juniper flavor.
SLS, triclosan, chlorhexidine, saccharinate, peroxides, fluorine -free.
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