Splat Mouthwash BIOCALCIUM 275ml

Splat Mouthwash BIOCALCIUM 275ml / 9.29oz

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To restore enamel and whiten safely. 
A natural mouth rinse is an efficient preventive care substance meant for daily use.
The oral rinse effectively penetrates out-of-the-way places in the oral cavity, thus providing absolute cleaning and supplementing the toothpaste effect.
The unique LUCTATOL® complex blocks the growth of cariogenic bacteria and provides up to 96% protection against formation of plaque. The combination of hydroxyapatite and Calcis obtained from the egg shell stimulates remineralization of the enamel. The vegetal enzyme lightens enamel to its natural shade and effectively breaks up plaque. 
It is recommended to use oral rinse after a meal and after brushing.
Triclosan, chlorhexidine, parabens, saccharin, synthetic flavorings and colorings,Fluorine-free. Oral rinses are available in biodegradable packaging. That’s why they are safe not only for humans but also for nature.
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