Splat Special Toothpaste WONDER WHITE 75ml

Splat Special Toothpaste WONDER WHITE 75ml / 2.53oz

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Wonder white for dazzling smiles+ 49.9% anti-caries, effect against cariesLysozyme enzyme, luctatol® anti-caries system and xylitolUp to 2 shades, careful enamel brighteningThe enzyme fitsin from the fruits of figs, pineapple extract, sodium pyrophosphate and calcium+ 78.5% anti-inflammatory, care for gumsVitamin E, licorice extract and basil essential oil
One of the safest, and at the same time effective modern types of bleaching is enzymatic. Thanks to the fig enzyme from the fruit of the fig and the pineapple extract, Splat Wonder White toothpaste gently removes plaque and staining substances from the surface of the teeth without damaging the enamel.The lysozyme enzyme, the patented Luctatol® system and xylitol reliably protect against caries. A complex of vitamin E, licorice extract and basil essential oil takes care of the gums, strengthening them and preventing inflammation.97.5% of SPLAT Wonder White toothpaste consists of natural ingredients and does NOT contain: SLES / SLS, PEG, parabens, triclosan, chlorhexidine, saccharin, synthetic flavors and fluoride.
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