Organic People & Fruit Dishwashing Gel Currant 500ml

Organic People Dishwashing Gel Currant 500ml / 16.90oz

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Eco gel with organic currant is a safe and effective detergent with an unusual aroma that instantly cheers up. Excellent cope with washing utensils, fruits, vegetables and children's toys. Perfectly dissolves fat and removes various contaminants in cold water. Cleans metal cutlery, frying pans and pans, leaving no streaks. To achieve ideal purity, it is not necessary to use aggressive household chemicals. The best way to make a house clean is natural, pleasant and really effective. ORGANIC PEOPLE & FRUIT.
99.5% of natural components
environmentally friendly washing
ideal for washing dishes
Fruit and vegetables suitable for washing children's toys
bright berry flavor
Does NOT contain hazardous chemicals: parabens, SLS, EDTA and NTA, Petroleum products, Phosphates, Phthalates, Phenols, Sulfates, Formaldehyde.
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