Taurus Lakia Drink Liquid for removing tartar and odor (dogs and cats) 100ml

Taurus Lakia Drink Liquid for removing tartar and odor (dogs and cats) 100ml / 3.38oz

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Lakia Drink - a liquid for the smell from the mouths of dogs and cats and the removal of tartar. Made in Japan. Lakia Drink is a natural way to clean your teeth from plaque and tartar. Due to carefully selected pH, Lakia Drink helps to create a healthy environment in the animal's mouth, destroys bacteria that cause bad breath from the mouth, cleans teeth from plaque, softens tartar and prevents gingivitis. Without proper dental care, by the age of 3, pets show signs of oral diseases: smell from the mouth, dense plaque, tartar, which ultimately, as a rule, leads to tooth loss or other serious diseases. Regular use of Lakia Drink will help maintain oral health and avoid the need to remove tartar under general anesthesia.
Daily dosage and method of application: add to drinking water: 2-3 ml per 500 ml of water. Has no taste and smell. Permanent use is desirable.
No side effects have been identified.
Not a veterinary drug.
For animals older than 2 months. Fully compatible with all types of feeding, other supplements and medicines.
Ingredients: electrolyzed water pH 12.
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