Planeta Organica Brow Bar Thickening Eyebrow & Eyelash Serum 15ml

Planeta Organica Brow Bar Thickening Eyebrow & Eyelash Serum 15ml / 0.50oz

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CARING SERUM FOR THICKNESS OF EYEBROWS AND LASHES • Stimulates growth, gives volume. • Strengthens and nourishes eyebrows and eyelashes. • Restores structure and thickens. Provence oil in terms of the number of essential fatty acids is 3 times higher than linseed oil. It consists of 55% oleic acid, contains 21% linoleic acid and 20% palmitic acid, contains polyphenols and vitamins A, E, D, K. Wild rose extract contains flavonoids and is a natural antioxidant. Moisturizes and revitalizes, leaving lashes and eyebrows a well-groomed look. ANAGELINE® is a natural amino acid derived from white lupine. Improves the nutrition of hair follicles, stimulating the growth and density of eyelashes and eyebrows.
apply a small amount of serum to the eyebrow and eyelash area in the morning and evening. Before use, we recommend using the Brow Bar collection "Soft aromatic scrub for thickening of eyebrows" Precautions: possible individual intolerance to the components. For external use only.
Aqua with infusions of Organic Rosa Canina Flower Extract (organic wild rose extract), Organic Salvia Officinales Leaf Extract (organic sage extract), Organic Olea Europaea Fruit Oil (organic olive oil); Hydrolyzed Lupine Protein (ANAGELINE® active ingredient for eyelash growth), Hydroxypropyl Guar (natural polysaccharide), Jasminum Officinale Flower Oil (jasmine oil), Organic Nelumbo Nucifera Seed Oil (organic lotus oil), Organic Cananga Odorata Flower Oil (organic ylang oil) ylang), Benzyl Alcohol (preservative from jasmine and clove oil).
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