Ecocraft Day Serum Concentrate for Face White Grapefruit and Freesia 30ml

Ecocraft Day Serum Concentrate for Face White Grapefruit and Freesia 30ml / 1.01oz

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Serum-concentrates — it means specific and quick actions as needed. The basis of the serum is transdermal enhancers, which make the horny layer of the skin permeable by tying into its lipid layer. Active ingredients fall deep into the dermis and moisturize, tone, nourish, regulate the production of sebum, whiten and improve the complexion.
Daily regenerating serum-concentrate for face contains silk proteins and wheat proteins to intensively hydrate and soften the skin, level skin.
It is recommended to use as a supplement to primary care (serum, cream) to enhance the effect. For maximum results, apply the rates for 28 days (2-3 times a year).
"White grapefruit and freesia" is jump in the little cove in the middle of a hot day. Sizzling freshness of the Mediterranean sea, bitter-sweet aroma of ripe grapefruit and slightly intoxicating blossoms of freesia.
deionized water with extracts of grapefruit, freesia, sodium alginate, xanthan gum, vegetable squalane, macadamia oil, argan oil, hydrolyzed collagen, beta-sitosterol, allantoin, konjac Mannan, of Menthyl lactate, bisabolol, provitamin B5, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, vitamin E, vitamin a, vitamin C, vitamin F, ethylhexyl glycerin, sodium benzoate, rosemary extract, fragrance oil.
apply 2-3 drops of the concentrate into the palm of your hand and lightly Pat to spread on cleansed face and neck, avoiding the eye area.
Purposes of Application
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