Ecocraft Regenerating Eye serum Japanese tea garden 15ml

Ecocraft Regenerating Eye serum Japanese tea garden 15ml / 0.50oz

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The Regenerating serum for the skin around the eyes, "Japanese tea garden" contains active ingredients: vitamin C, provitamin B5 providing increase the protective properties of the skin.
Extracts green tea, bitter orange, mulberry berries, Japanese seaweed strengthen the microvessels and stimulate the synthesis of collagen, struggling with puffiness and dark circles.
Fragrance "Japanese tea garden" is a sparkling summer scent of grasses, emerald matcha and green bamboo leaves. A journey in time and space, a feeling of absolute harmony - inner peace, relaxation, and meditation.
deionized water green tea extract, extract of orange, extract of mulberry berries, extract of Japanese seaweed gel, aloe Vera, sorbitol, sodium alginate, succinic acid, lactic acid, allantoin, provitamin B5, vitamin e, ethylhexyl glycerin, sodium benzoate, rosemary extract, fragrance oil.
apply the serum lightly on the skin around the eyes.
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