KLEONA Intensive scrub cream for face and décolleté 75ml

KLEONA Intensive scrub cream for face and décolleté 75ml / 2.53oz

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Intense Scrub Cream contains finely ground bamboo powder. Well polishes the skin, evens out its relief, effectively cleanses the pores. Gives the skin an extraordinary smoothness and velvety, leaves a feeling of breathing skin. Stimulates renewal and regeneration processes. Also recommended for exfoliating hyperkeratosis.
Ingredients: deionized water, almond seed oil, bamboo powder, vegetable glycerin, decyl glucoside, shea butter, mango butter, soy lecithin, cetearyl alcohol, stearic acid, D-panthenol, leaf extract plantain lanceolate, mallow flower extract, Japanese honeysuckle extract, sorbitankaprilat, chlorophyllin, tocopherol acetate (vitamin E), polyunsaturated fatty acid complex (Vitamin F), allantoin.
How to use: Apply a small amount of scrub to clean, damp skin , massage with light circular motions for 1 minute, rinse with warm water. Apply a caring agent.
Use no more than once a week!
Do not use for abrasions, scratches, acne, demodicosis, herpes and atopic dermatitis, as well as for the area around the eyes.
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