BTpeel White peeling brightening with peptide complex and punarnava extract 8ml

BTpeel White peeling brightening with peptide complex and punarnava extract 8ml / 0.27oz

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White peeling BTpeel is an innovative all-weather brightening peeling of a new generation, with a biostimulating and renewing effect. Based on a complex of acids (Citric Acid, Lactic Acid, Malic Acid, Gluconic Acid, Ascorbic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Salicylic Acid, Tartaric Acid) and Punarnava Extract, peeling effectively fights pigmentation and whitens the skin, blocking melanogenesis. Gives the skin a uniform tone. It has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Also, the unique composition of the peeling is enriched with a patented peptide complex directed against skin aging, improving its turgor, elasticity and density. Skin renewal occurs imperceptibly, comfortably and smoothly, within 7-10 days. At this time, it is recommended to use sunscreen, moisturizing masks and creams. The imperceptible rehabilitation process makes it possible to go to work or hold an important meeting without fear for the appearance. White peeling does not require neutralization, after the expiration of the exposure, the peeling is washed off with cool clean water. And when carrying out the necessary tests, it is possible to use it for several hours, which, if used correctly, can give an expressive effect. Dermatologically tested and certified. Indications for use:
Treatment of skin pigmentation and melanosis, stagnant spots
Skin rejuvenation, fighting the visible signs of skin aging
Earthy and dull skin tone
Smoothing and reducing post-acne
Reduction and cleansing of enlarged pores
Elimination of the consequences of exposure to ultraviolet radiation
White peeling goes well with other aesthetic procedures. Tested already after the 1st treatment: +36% Skin radiance; +49% Smoother skin; -26% Color saturation of age spots.
How to use: Wipe the skin with Glycolic Acid Exfoliant Emulsion and BTpeel Peptide Complex, apply a few drops of peeling to the skin. Apply the product with light massage movements, avoiding contact with mucous membranes. Can be applied to the area around the eyes and lips. You can repeat the application of the layer if necessary. The number of layers in one procedure depends on the type of skin, its sensitivity and thickness. After the exposure time (1-3 minutes) thoroughly cleanse the skin of the product with clean water. Be sure to use sunscreen when using peeling in the sunny season. You can repeat the procedure after 7-10 days. After the White peeling procedure, it is recommended to use a Moisturizing and Purifying Gel Mask with BTpeel peptides. To prolong and enhance the effect of White Peeling, starting from the next day after the procedure, daily (in the evening) use Exfoliating Emulsion with Glycolic Acid and BTpeel Peptide Complex.
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