BTpeel Peeling PRX with peptide complex 8ml

BTpeel Peeling PRX with peptide complex 8ml / 0.27oz

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PRX peeling with the BTpeel peptide complex almost does not affect the surface layer of the skin, and therefore does not require a long recovery period. This is a procedure of controlled damage to the skin with the aim of stimulating and restoring it, while there is no violation of the integrity of the skin, there is no active peeling and there is no rehabilitation period.
Indications for the use of PRX: prevention and treatment of skin photoaging, loss of skin firmness and elasticity, hyperkeratosis of the facial skin, atrophic scars, stretch marks, an additional remedy for the treatment of hyperpigmentation, acne, post-acne (spots after acne).
Composition of PRX: trichloroacetic acid TCA, hydrogen peroxide, kojic acid, peptide complex, stabilizing agents.
How to use: Apply the peeling solution with massage movements. Massage should be done with special gloves or with a silicone spatula, which should be covered with a nitrile glove. Apply no more than 2 ml of the product to one area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin. It is advisable to cover the face with a solution more than once. On average, 3 layers are applied, but more can be applied, depending on the thickness of the skin and the desired result. It is necessary to start lubricating the face from the T-zone. Then move on to the lower part of the face and the middle. The procedure for applying the drug does not exceed 3 minutes. After that, you need to rinse the solution well with distilled water. The procedure is recommended to be completed with BTpeel Cream with Flax Extract and Matrixyl.
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