Finn Lux Body sugar scrub shimmer Malina 250g

Finn Lux Body sugar scrub shimmer Malina 250g

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The melting body scrub is non-irritating and ideal for dry and sensitive skin. Abrasive particles of sugar and pink clay gently cleanse the epidermis of dead cells and stimulate the production of new ones, improving skin turgor and elasticity. Natural oil and vitamin E nourish and saturate. The result: an even relief of body contours and impeccably delicate skin.
Apply a small amount of scrub on wet, cleansed skin, massage for several minutes, rinse thoroughly with water. Use no more than twice a week. No additional skin hydration is required after the procedure.
Ingredients: sugar, pink clay, coconut oil, mineral shimmering powder, vitamin E, Raspberry cosmetic fragrance.
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