Horse Force Burenka facial peeling mask with lactic, hyaluronic and fruit acids 100ml / 3.38oz

Horse Force Burenka facial peeling mask with lactic, hyaluronic and fruit acids 100ml / 3.38oz

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Peeling mask for gentle cleansing and renewal of the skin of the face and décolleté, evens out tone and restores natural radiance. Provides prevention and elimination of the consequences of hyperpigmentation, exfoliating the upper layers of the dermis and launches the process of cellular regeneration of the skin.
Lactic acid (AHA) is the basis of the Mask. Has a delicate and safe cleansing effect. Recommended for use on sensitive skin.

Hyaluronic acid intensively moisturizes and eliminates facial wrinkles, restores elasticity and improves skin turgor.

Tartaric, malic and succinic (AHA) acids exfoliate dead skin cells, cleanse and reduce pore size, and reduce post-acne marks.

Medical chamomile oil, parsley and licorice root extract are natural ingredients that lighten age spots and even out skin tone. Oils have a regenerating and anti-inflammatory effect.

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