Ecocraft Natural scrub for dry and sensitive face skin Black currant and tar 60ml

Ecocraft Natural scrub for dry and sensitive face skin Black currant and tar 60ml / 2.02oz

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Scrub for dry and sensitive skin is designed to gently cleanse the face, promotes rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin. The exfoliation process occurs as gently as possible with particles of sugar and volcanic pumice.
Rapeseed Oil, moringa oil protect the skin, stimulating the synthesis of collagen, hot weather stimulates the blood circulation, giving the skin a radiant appearance.
sugar, volcanic pumice, ground walnut shell pine nuts, ground walnut shell, apricot kernel, vegetable glycerin, canola oil, Moringa oil, glyceryl monostearate, glyceryl of Cocoate, decyl glucoside, vitamin E, an extract of currant, an extract of pine, wheat germ extract, ethylhexyl glycerin, sodium benzoate, rosemary extract, fragrance oil.
lightly apply massaging on clean face, massage and rinse with
Skin Type
Dry skin
Sensitive skin
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