Ecocraft Natural scrub for normal skin Mango and pink ginger 60ml

Ecocraft Natural scrub for normal skin Mango and pink ginger 60ml / 2.02oz

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Scrub for normal skin ECOCRAFT cosmetics is designed to gently cleanse face, promotes rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin. The exfoliation process occurs as gently as possible with particles of sugar, volcanic pumice and ground shells of apricot pits.
Composition: sugar, volcanic pumice, ground walnut shell pine nuts, seeds of raspberries, vegetable glycerin, oil of apricot pits, almond oil, Cetearyl alcohol, glyceryl monostearate, glyceryl of Cocoate, decyl glucoside, mineral pigment, vitamin E, mango extract, rose extract of ginger, extract Buganvilia, ethylhexyl glycerin, sodium benzoate, rosemary extract, fragrance oil.
Mode of application: легкими движениями нанести по массажным линиям на очищенную кожу лица, помассировать, смыть
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