KLEONA Serum for problem skin with betulin 25ml

KLEONA Clean Skin Serum for problem skin with betulin 25ml / 0.84oz

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Facial serum "Clean Skin" No. 12 with betulin and natural ingredients is created to care for oily and problematic skin. It absorbs quickly and is suitable for both day and night care. Serum with betulin naturally normalizes metabolic processes in the skin and reduces the intensity of the sebaceous glands. Nourishes the skin, making it smooth and velvety.
The facial skin serum contains biologically active substances that also have an antiseptic effect. They reduce existing inflammations and prevent the appearance of new ones. Daily use of the serum helps even out the complexion and prevents the development of acne. By using serum with betulin you get healthy, matte skin without greasy shine. The skin of the face becomes radiant, without irritation and peeling.
Problematic skin requires proper care and serum with natural betulin gives you the opportunity to take care of the cleanliness, beauty and health of your skin.
Ingredients: water, oak bark extract, St. John's wort extract, calendula oil, wheat emulsifier, betulin, xanthus gum, benzyl alcohol, tea tree essential oil, glyceryl caprylate, rose essential oil, bisabolol, Indian mint essential oil.
Directions for use: Before use, shake the bottle vigorously until the contents are completely homogeneous. Apply a small amount of serum to dry or moisturized facial skin, avoiding the eye area. Wait 1-2 minutes until completely absorbed. During the cold season, it is recommended to apply the serum under the skincare cream.
Skin Type
Problem Skin
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