KLEONA Serum for all skin types Rose 25ml

KLEONA Serum for all skin types Rose 25ml / 0.84oz

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Light, non-greasy hyaluronic acid gel-based daily care for the face, neck and décolleté. Intensively moisturizes and tones, retains firmness and elasticity of the skin. Eliminates dryness and flaking, refreshes the complexion. Gives a feeling of comfort and pleasant tactile sensations that persist even after washing. Easy to apply, quickly absorbed. For morning and/or evening care. In the cold season, apply the serum under the care cream.
Ingredients: water, grape seed oil, beetroot betaine, glycerin, hydrogenated lecithin, babassu oil, jojoba oil, hyaluronic acid, benzyl alcohol, Japanese honeysuckle extract, rose essential oil, glucosides natural fatty acids (cocoglucosides), caffeine benzoate, bisabolol, aloe vera extract, hibiscus extract, citric acid, potassium sorbate.
Use: shake the bottle vigorously until the contents are completely homogeneous. Apply a small amount of serum to dry or damp skin, avoiding the eye area. Wait 1-2 minutes until completely absorbed. If stickiness remains on the skin, blot the face with a paper towel and reduce the amount of serum applied. There may be a brief warming sensation, tingling, and redness of the skin. Do not apply serum in two layers.
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