MIXIT Skin Chemistry Copper Peptides 1% + HA Serum 30ml / 1.01oz

MIXIT Skin Chemistry Copper Peptides 1% + HA Serum 30ml / 1.01oz

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Serum with copper peptides and hyaluronic acid is aimed at rejuvenating and deeply moisturizing the skin.

How does it work:
Copper peptides have anti-inflammatory properties, help smooth out wrinkles and heal wounds. Thanks to the activation of collagen production and stimulation of stem cells, they have a rejuvenating effect;
hyaluronic acid provides deep hydration, helps reduce the depth of wrinkles and accelerate regeneration processes.
gradual smoothing and reduction of wrinkle depth;
active anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effect;
deep hydration;
visible alignment of skin tone;
rapid acceleration of regeneration processes.

Apply to cleansed face, eye area and neck. If necessary, complete your treatment with face cream. Suitable for daily use in the morning and/or evening.

Skin Type
Mature skin
Purposes of Application
Fine lines reduce
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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