ChocoLatte Serum (oil) for face Squalane 100% 30ml / 1.01oz

ChocoLatte Serum (oil) for face Squalane 100% 30ml / 1.01oz

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Softens, deeply moisturizes, restores the hydrolipid balance of the skin, smoothes out fine wrinkles. Gives a pleasant feeling of silky skin, adds smoothness, tenderness and elasticity.

Provides hair protection from heat and UV rays, improves shine and elasticity, prevents breakage and split ends.

Squalane is recommended to be used both as a stand-alone cosmetic product and for complex skin care of any type, including sensitive, atopic and children's skin. It will especially help to restore dry, chapped, irritated skin, including the skin of the hands, elbows, and feet. The serum is ideal for facial massage, for protection from cold and wind, and for caring for hair of all types.

INCI: Squalane* (sugarcane squalane)
*ingredient approved by ECOCERT.

Application: apply in the morning and/or evening in a thin layer to cleansed skin of the face, eyelids and décolleté, spreading until completely absorbed. The duration and frequency of use are not limited. Can be added to other cosmetic products.

For hair care, apply a small amount along the entire length of the hair, avoiding the roots. Does not require rinsing.

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