ChocoLatte Face Cream-serum Anti Cuperosis from spider veins 50ml

ChocoLatte Face Cream-serum Anti Cuperosis from spider veins 50ml / 1.69oz

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The maximum concentration of the active components of the cream serum strengthens the walls of blood vessels, improves venous outflow, relieves redness, deeply moisturizes, ensuring velvety, even color, elasticity and firmness of the skin.

This intensive moisturizer with a high content of hyaluronic acid in combination with organic acids, proteins, extracts, valuable oils and vitamins is a real luxury for the skin!!!

Application: Apply in the morning and/or evening in a thin layer to cleansed skin of the face and around the eyes, using light patting movements until completely absorbed. Cream serum is ideal in the summer and as a base for makeup.

Ingredients: decoction: kelp, marshmallow, flax; oils: camelina, walnut and hazelnut; kojic and hyaluronic acid, lecithin, D-panthenol, xanthan gum, cetearyl alcohol, extracts of witch hazel, ivy, horse chestnut, hops and arnica; essential oils: verbena, cypress and rosewood; vitamins: A, E, C; Sharomix 705, colloidal silver concentrate.

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