ChocoLatte Face Cream-serum Lifting effect 50ml

ChocoLatte Face Cream-serum Lifting effect 50ml / 1.69oz

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A high concentration of active components of the cream-serum stimulates cellular metabolism and the process of cell division, strengthens collagen and elastin fibers, effectively smoothes facial wrinkles, relieves puffiness, evens and tightens the facial contour, provides deep hydration, nutrition and protection of the skin.

Ingredients: decoction: kelp, marshmallow, flax; oils: argan, green coffee; alpha-lipoic and hyaluronic acid, lecithin, D-panthenol, xanthan gum, cetearyl alcohol, extracts: silk peptides, parsley, ginseng, Schisandra chinensis, witch hazel; essential oils: jasmine, frankincense, sandalwood, fennel; vitamins: A, E, C; Sharomix 705, colloidal silver concentrate.

Application: Apply a thin layer in the morning and/or evening to cleansed face, eyelids, and décolleté with light patting movements until completely absorbed. Cream serum is ideal in the summer and as a base for makeup. Recommended after 30-35 years.

Purposes of Application
Fine lines reduce
Lifting & Rejuvenation
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