Mi&ko Instant Hydration Serum 30ml

Mi&ko Instant Hydration Serum 30ml / 1.01oz

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When the skin is dehydrated, help it replenish its internal resources and let it drink with the innovative Instant Hydration Serum. The innovative formula of the product helps to absorb substances at a deep cellular level. The serum provides the skin with a long-lasting source of moisture and protects the skin from dryness and damage.
Clinically tested red algae extract in serum increases skin hydration levels by 19%*, the unique arctic enzyme Pseudoalteromonas protects skin from dryness and dehydration in extreme conditions, and trehalose retains moisture in the skin, maintaining and increasing cell vitality.
It is an ideal base for make-up.
*according to research by Sinerga S.p.A Italy, January 2019
Red algae extract in serum increases skin hydration by 19%
Pseudoalteromonas enzyme protects the skin from dryness and dehydration in extreme conditions
Trehalose retains moisture in the skin, maintaining and enhancing cell viability.
Ingredients: artesian water, anfeltiopsis conkinna extract, damask rose hydrolate*, fermented bamboo extract, trehalose, glycerin, antarcticin, salicylic acid, sodium hydroxide, sodium levulinate, sodium anisate, sclerotia resin, phytic acid, neem leaf extract, neem flower extract, coralline extract, coccinia indica extract, eggplant extract, aloe vera flower extract, tulsi extract, basil extract, turmeric root extract, lactic acid.
*organic farming ingredient
100% natural ingredients
10% of all ingredients from organic agriculture
Apply serum to clean, dry skin of the face, excluding the area around the eyes, spread evenly with light massaging movements until completely absorbed. Then apply cream according to skin type. For maximum effect: use serum 2 times a day in the morning and evening for a month. The product is intended for daily use. Do not use in case of individual intolerance to the components.
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